Gib natürlichsprachlich wieder, wonach folgende SQL-Anfrage sucht:
with ProdAct as (
Prod.Name as PName,
Act.Name as AName,
count(Act.movie_id) as CountM
from (
select name, movie_id from actors
union all
select name, movie_id from actresses
) as Act
inner join movies as Mov on Act.movie_id = Mov.mid
inner join producers as Prod on Mov.mid = Prod.movie_id
group by Prod.Name, Act.Name
order by Prod.Name, Act.Name
select ProdAct.AName, ProdAct.PName, CountM
from ProdAct,
select AName, max(CountM) as maxValue
from ProdAct group by AName
) as maxCount
where ProdAct.AName = maxCount.AName
and ProdAct.CountM = maxCount.maxValue
Zeige den Namen jedes Schauspielers und jeder Schauspielerin, den Namen des Producers mit dem er/sie die meisten Filme gedreht hat und die Anzahl der gedrehten Filme.
HPI, 2015-06-01, Datenbanksysteme 1, Aufgabe 3.4a
2015-07-27 08:40:16 UTC
2015-07-27 08:40:16 UTC